Saturday, March 4, 2017


- Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) powder
- White Sucrose Sugar
- Cooking pan
- Gas stovestove
- Long Wire
- A Spoon
- A piece of paper
- Toilet paper cardboard roles

1) Prepare the ingredients and tools needed.

2) Measure by weight 62% Potassium Nitrate of the whole weight.

3) Measure by weight 38% White Sucrose Sugar.

4) Mix the two in a cooking pan and heat them gently while mixing with a spoon.

5) After the mixture becomes a stiff liquid turn off the heat.

6) Pour the mixture in a long tissue cardboard or a PVC tube with one end sealed.

7) Make a hole in the middle before the mixture hardens. The hole will accommodate the ignition cable.

8) Stretch two long wires for remote ignition.

9) Join the positive (+) and  negative (-) of one end and connect the other end to a 9volt battery and a switch.

10) Push the wire in the hole and position the rocket far from you.

11) Press the switch to launch the rocket. The Rocket has a range of up to 1Km. Enjoy but be safe.

Click the link below to watch a video description.
 Click here to open link one.
Click to open (alternative) link two.

This information is for educational purposes ONLY! Do not use it to offend other people.

Copyright © DIY-Tech (2017).

Monday, February 27, 2017


-Potassium Nitrate KNO3 powder.
-White Sucrose Sugar.
-Baking soda powder.
-Oil Crayon colours.
-Cooking pan.
-Gas stove.
-Glass jar.
-A Spoon.
-A piece of paper.
-Toilet paper cardboard roles.

1) Measure and mix up by weight 30% Potassium Nitrate, 40% Sugar and 10% Baking soda powder and shake the mixture well.

2) Put the cooking pan on the Gas-stove, turn it on and drop the Crayons in the hot Cooking-pan to melt.

3) Pour about five spoons of the powder mixture from before and mix with a spoon.

4) When the mixture becomes a solid powder turn off the stove.

5) Pour colored mixture on a paper to cool and store in a glass jar.

6) Repeat the process to make several colours.

7) Fill small plastic bags with the coloured mixture.

8) Drop the plastic bags in cardboard roles from toilet paper roles.

9) Light them on fire and you have alot of coloured smoke produced. Thus complete.

Click the links below to watch a video description.
Click to open link one.
Click to open (altenative) link two.

This information is for educational purposes ONLY! Do not abuse it to offend other people.

Copyright © DIY-Tech (2017).